Meynell & South Staffs Club Radbourne Pleasure Ride
Sunday 29th September 2024
Around the beautiful Radbourne Estate
by kind permission of Lady Chichester and Tenant Farmers.
Starting at Woodhouse Farm, Dalbury Lees, Ashbourne,
Derbyshire DE6 5BS, with parking on off road hard standing.
This ride is to see the picturesque Radbourne Estate – there will be no jumping. Limited spaces. All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am
The ride will last approx. 1½ hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS. No entries or cash on the day.
To book go to
£20 per adult £10 per child (under 16).
All under 16s to be accompanied by an adult.
All profits will be donated to charity.
Payment details (new account): Meynell and South Staffordshire Club ~ Sort code 30-99-50 ~ Account number 76583368
Ref PR RM with rider surname.
For further details contact Rachael 07889 083194
Tinsel Ride
Sunday 17th December - Tinsel Ride from Old Hall, Dunstall, Burton on Trent DE13 8BE at 11.00am.
Everybody is welcome – young and old, suitable for all abilities. Please come dressed for the weather, hunting attire not required but hopefully all sorts of tinsel and other decorations are very much part of the day!
Some of you might even like to plait up with the sparkly stuff although plaiting is NOT a necessity. We want to create that Festive Feeling!!
However Festive or Fancy your outfit is, please make sure it is safe to ride in and will withstand the mud that might be about.
Prizes for - Best Adult and Best Child.
Bring your friends and your reindeer; come along to enjoy a ride in some of our wonderful Staffordshire countryside. There may be some optional jumping.
Please leave the parking area tidy, pick-up droppings/litter by your lorry/trailer.
Please book-in online Payment must be made in advance by BACS Transfer:
£20 per person
£10 young children on Leading Reins
Payment details (new account): Meynell and South Staffordshire Club : Sort code 30-99-50 : Account number 76583368 : Ref surname tinsel
MSSC Pleasure Ride
Saturday 18th November 2023
Start and finish will be at The Shire Horse, Wyaston, Ashbourne,
Derbys. DE6 2DQ by kind permission of Joe Rowland.
Parking on hard standing is available.
Approx. 6-8 miles with great views and scenery around a mixture of
private farmland, bridleways, a small amount of quiet lanes.
No jumping but some cantering across open fields.
The ride will start at 11am and
will last 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via
BACS. No entries or cash on
the day.
To book go to
£20 per adult £10 per child (under 16).
All under 16s to be accompanied by an adult.
All profits will be donated to Air Ambulance.
Payment details (new account): Meynell and South Staffordshire Club
Sort code 30-99-50 Account number 76583368
Ref PR WT with rider surname.
For further details contact Will 07975 847890
MSSC Pleasure Ride
Sunday 24th September 2023
Sunday 24th September 2023
Around the beautiful Radbourne Estate
by kind permission of Lady Chichester and Tenant Farmers.
Starting at Woodhouse Farm, Dalbury Lees, Ashbourne,
Derbyshire DE6 5BS, with parking on off road hard standing.
This ride is to see the picturesque Radbourne Estate – there will be no jumping. Limited spaces. All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am The ride will last approx. 1½ hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS. No entries or cash on the day.
To book go to
£20 per adult £10 per child (under 16).
All under 16s to be accompanied by an adult.
All profits will be donated to Air Ambulance.
Payment details (new account): Meynell and South Staffordshire Club
Sort code 30-99-50 ¦ Account number 76583368
Ref PR RM with rider surname.
For further details contact Rachael 07889 083194
Pleasure Ride
Sunday 10th September 2023
Sunday 10th September 2023
Start and finish will be at Top Farm, Atlow, Ashbourne, Derbys. DE6 1NT by kind permission of Eric Massey. Parking is available.
Approx. 6-8 miles with great views and scenery around a mixture of private farmland, bridleways, a small amount of quiet lanes.
No jumping but some cantering across open fields.
The ride will start at 11am and will last 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS. No entries or cash on the day.
To book go to
£20 per adult £10 per child (under 16).
All under 16s to be accompanied by an adult.
All profits will be donated to Air Ambulance.
Payment details (new account): Meynell and South Staffordshire Club
Sort code 30-99-50
Account number 76583368
Ref PR WT with rider surname.
For further details contact Will 07975 847890
Pleasure Ride
Sunday 6th August 2023
Sunday 6th August 2023
Start and finish will be at Stydd House Farm, Yeaveley, Ashbourne, Derbys. DE6 2DU by kind permission of the Potter family.
Parking is available.
Approx. 6-8 miles around a mixture of private farmland, bridleways, a small amount of quiet lanes followed by full use of Stydd House Equestrian’s excellent XC course. A great chance to school horses with a variety of optional fences ranging from 50cm to 105cm including a water jump and a selection of hedges. All jumping is optional.
The ride will start at 10.30am and will last 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS. No entries or cash on the day.
To book go to
£20 per adult £10 per child (under 16).
All under 16s to be accompanied by an adult.
All profits will be donated to Air Ambulance.
Payment details (new account): Meynell and South Staffordshire Club
Sort code 30-99-50
Account number 76583368
Ref PR WT with rider surname.
For further details contact Will 07975 847890
Tim Bonner: When the toughest decision to make is the right one
09 Mar 2023 by Tim Bonner
The most famous member of the Meynell family, Hugo Meynell of Quorn Hall, will forever be associated with his 47-year mastership of the Quorn which spanned the second half of the 18th Century. He gained the reputation as the father of modern foxhunting through his scientific hound breeding and radical approach to crossing the open grassland of Leicestershire. Although Hugo will always be firmly linked to Leicestershire, his family lent its name to the Meynell Hunt operating in Derbyshire, where the Meynells’ also owned estates.
The Meynell Hunt merged with the South Staffordshire in 1970 and this week has announced that as a result of increasing urbanisation and development across the countryside in Derbyshire and Staffordshire, which have rendered many areas of the hunt’s country unsuitable for hunting, its country will be shared between neighbouring packs from next season. Those areas which remain viable to hunt will be shared between the North Staffordshire, South Notts and Moorlands Hunts and it is anticipated that the Meynell and South Staffordshire name will continue in the form of a hunt club which will continue to organise events. The hounds are currently being rehomed with other packs and it is anticipated that many will be drafted to neighbouring packs and continue to hunt in the country.
There is always a certain sadness that comes with change, but I am quite sure that Hugo Meynell would have approved. As well as his radical approach to hunting he was a Whig politician who ousted the Tory MP in Lichfield and then went on to represent Lymington and Stafford in an 18 year career in Westminster. He was never afraid of change and neither should his modern counterparts be, especially faced with a countryside that has altered out of all recognition since the current hunt was formed half a century ago, let alone from when the Meynell family took it over a couple of years before the battle of Waterloo.
With our ever-changing landscape, the decision to restructure hunting in Derbyshire and Staffordshire is a sensible, forward-thinking strategy and one which other hunts in equally pressured parts of the countryside will be watching carefully. Hunting has always faced challenge and change from the coming of the railways, to the arrival of wire fencing, to the implementation of the dreadful Hunting Act, but the passion for hounds and hunting has meant that hunts have always adapted and prospered despite the hurdles that have been put in front of them.
Some will always lament that ‘it will never be the same’, but there are new generations in the hunting field for whom the opportunity to cross country behind hounds is as important and exciting as it was for those who came before. Hunting is at its best when it adapts to the changing countryside and the changing world. The Meynell and South Staffordshire, and the other hunts that are remodelling to ensure that hunting is sustainable in the modern countryside should be praised for securing the future of hounds and hunts.
Thank you to all the very generous Ladies and their supporters at Ladies Day that donated to the Brain Tumour Charity. Lots of people were sporting a 'touch of pink' and we raised £720 on the day, which is wonderful. If you could not attend but would like to donate please follow this link.
Ladies Day
We are now fully booked for Ladies Day 2023. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please complete the booking form but do not pay until we contact you.
If you have booked but not paid yet, please pay via BACS as soon as possible to retain your place.
Boxing Day Meet, Monday, 26th December 2022
The Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt would like to inform all those who wish to show their support for our hounds that the annual Boxing Day meet will this year be held at 11.00am at Blithfield Hall, Admaston WS15 3NL on Monday, 26th December 2022.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join us over the festive period - you will be made very welcome and we will be pleased to have your support.
A 'Stirrup Cup' will be provided. The Cap taken is for the Hunt Staff when everybody’s generosity is much appreciated.
If you are not a member and would like to ride at this meet, please contact the Secretary to book in Free for all subscribers/members.
Tinsel Ride Saturday 24th December 2022
The Tinsel Ride will be from Old Hall, Dunstall, Burton on Trent DE13 8BE at 11.00am, Saturday 24th December 2022
Everybody is welcome – young and old, suitable for all abilities.
Please come dressed for the weather, hunting attire not required but hopefully all sorts of tinsel and other decorations are very much part of the day!
Some of you might even like to plait up with the sparkly stuff although plaiting is NOT a necessity.
We want to create that Festive Feeling!!
However Festive or Fancy your outfit is, please make sure it is safe to ride in and will withstand the mud that might be about.
Prizes for - Best Adult and Best Child.
Bring your friends and your reindeer; come along to enjoy a ride in some of our wonderful Staffordshire countryside. There may be some optional jumping.
Please leave the parking area tidy, pick-up droppings/litter by your lorry/trailer.
To book-in please use the Hunt Website -Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt - Booking Form ( Payment must be made in advance by BACS Transfer:
£25 non-Members
Free to MSSH Members/Subscribers
£10 young children on Leading Reins
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffs Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref surname tinsel
MSSH Festive Activities
The Carol Service will be held at Osmaston on Thursday, 8th December at 7pm with a meal at the Shire Horse afterwards - steak pie and a pudding for £20 per person. Come along for a lovely service of carols and readings, followed by the pub – what more could you want? Please book in with Rachael 07889 083194.
The MSSH 2023 calendar is now on sale. Lots of great photos, open out to A3 size with plenty of room to add your social activities! £10 each (plus postage) available to purchase from most meets or contact Pay BACS payment to account Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd / Sort Code 30-90-99 / Account number 31918860 - please include your name and reference CAL.
August Pleasure Rides
We have 2 pleasure rides confirmed for August:
Saturday 6th August 2022 Cawarden
Start and finish will be at Cawarden Springs Farm, Blithbury Road, Rugeley, WS15 3HJ (with off road parking) by kind permission of the Parrott family.
The ride will be in one group, but those wanting a shorter route can return to boxes at the mid point. Jumping throughout, all optional. A great chance to prepare for the hunting season.
All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am The ride will last approx. 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR SP with rider surname.
Sunday 21st August 2022 Bretby area
Approx. 6-8 miles around a mixture of farmland, bridleways and quiet country lanes. The ride will be primarily walk and trot with some cantering in open fields. We hope that you will enjoy the wonderful scenery.
The start and finish is in the Bretby area DE15 0RX (exact address to be confirmed). Full details will be sent to all that have booked and paid a day or two beforehand.
The ride will start at 11am and will last 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffs Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR AD with rider surname.
MSSH Pleasure Ride Sunday 31st July 2022
Start and finish will be at Poplars Farm, Bushton Lane, Anslow, Burton on Trent DE13 9QL by kind permission of the Ward family.
Plenty of parking available.
Approx. 8 miles across farm land in the Anslow and Tutbury area with a small amount of road work and full use of Poplars Farm excellent XC course, where all jumping is optional.
The ride will be in one group and last approx. 2 hours.
All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR CG with rider surname.
For further details contact
MSSH Pleasure Ride Saturday 18 June 2022
Approx. 6-7 miles of riding in woodlands, on bridleways and country lanes around Shirley, Osmaston and Longford area with a limited amount of roadwork and no jumping.
Parking and the start and finish from The Long Shed, Shirley, Ashbourne DE6 3AR
All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am The ride will predominantly be in walk and trot and will last approx. 1½-2 hours. The ride will be in one group. Do bring a picnic for after the ride!
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members
£15 MSSH subscribers and children under 16 years
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR SC with rider surname.
For further details contact
MSSH Pleasure Ride Sunday 22nd May 2022
Approx. 6-7 miles around scenic private farmland and countryside with a limited amount of roadwork and a few optional fences. Parking and the start and finish is on the Drointon Common road ST18 0LX.
All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am The ride will predominantly be in walk and trot and will last approx. 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members
£15 MSSH subscribers and children under 16 years
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR SP with rider surname.
For further details contact
MSSH Pleasure Ride Saturday 23 April 2022
Please join us for our first Pleasure Ride for 2022:
Approx. 6-8 miles around scenic private farmland and countryside with some jumping, all optional. By kind permission of Peter Southwell the start and finish is at Lower Swansmoor Farm, Great Haywood ST18 0RA with off road parking.
All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am The ride will last approx. 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members
£15 MSSH subscribers and children under 16 years
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR PS with rider surname.
For further details contact
Ladies Day 2022
We were fortunate to have a few photographers with us - a selection from Erica Byrne are shown below. She took over 700 - if you want to see more please contact her Erica has very kindly said that she can send an electronic image for a £5 donation to the Hunt - same payment details as used for booking in: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref LD & Surname. If you want a printed copy please contact Erica.
Ladies Day 2022
We were fortunate to have a few photographers with us - a selection from Angie Lock are shown below. All of her photos are now available on her website Click on 'Gallery' then click on 'Misc'. Jpegs are included with a printed order. If you just want the jpeg, order 7x5 printed (as they are the same price) and put 'Just jpeg' in the Customer Comments box."
New Year’s Day meet
Join us for our New Year’s Day meet on Saturday 1st January 2022 at 11am. The meet is at Lower Loxley Farm ST14 8RU.
Refreshments and a licenced bar available.
It will be great to be able to meet again, but please be considerate to others and don’t attend if you, your household or close contacts are displaying Covid symptoms. We are advising supporters to take lateral flow tests on the morning of the 1st January and not to attend in the event of a positive reading or if feeling unwell. As an outdoor occasion the risk of transmission may be lower than indoors but for the safety of all we recommend face coverings are used especially if you find yourself in an enclosed space – and don’t forget your sanitizer! Wherever possible, please respect social distancing.
A few images from Boxing Day 2021 at Abbots Bromley thanks to Erica Byrne
Boxing Day Meet
The Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt would like to inform all those who wish to show their support for our hounds that the annual Boxing Day meet will this year be held at 11.00am at Blithfield Hall, Admaston WS15 3NL on Monday, 27th December 2021.
Boxing Day falls on a Sunday this year - a day when hunting does not take place – so hunts across the country will host their traditional Boxing Day meets on the Bank Holiday Monday instead.
Nick Hutchinson, Chairman of the Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt said: “The Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt is delighted to be meeting at Blithfield Hall this year and to avoid disappointment, we want to give our followers, local residents and supporters as much notice as possible that hounds will meet on Monday 27th December instead of on Boxing Day itself which falls on a Sunday this year. We hope that people can plan their festivities to ensure they are still able to show their support for our hounds at the traditional Boxing Day meet.”
New museum room
A lifelong supporter of the Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt has recently completed converting a room at the pack’s kennels at Sudbury into a museum.
Simon Hinks, who based the idea for the museum on the Dukes Room at the Belvoir Hunt kennels in Lincolnshire, has restored the room and has managed to acquire a great collection of photographs and newspaper articles, paintings and hunting clothing amongst other treasures which cover hundreds of years of history.
Simon hopes that it will provide enjoyment for all those who visit the kennels in the future, giving everyone the opportunity to donate suitable items and to learn more about the hunt’s long history.
“I have received a lot of interest and great feedback with regards to the museum with people visiting from all over the Meynell country and from further afield,” explained Simon.
“We continue to be contacted by supporters from other hunts who want to visit too,” continued Simon. “A gentleman recently travelled from Somerset to gift a red coat which his father wore when he was Master of the South Staffs. This was an excellent piece with the original hunt buttons still on it.”
“The room itself is an excellent example of restoration which adheres to traditional styles and colours sympathetic to the hunt with an air of walking back in time - this alone has proven to be respected by those who appreciate the funds and time required for such a project.”
Paul Dunn, a Board member of both the Meynell & South Staffs Hunt and the Countryside Alliance, who has visited the museum enthused: “The hunt is very proud of its foundations and this museum is a wonderful way to celebrate that history. We hope that both newcomers and those who have followed hounds all of their lives will appreciate and enjoy the hard work that has gone into this project while getting a better understanding of our hunt’s history.”
The history of the Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt can be traced back to 1793 and the Vernon family from Sudbury, in Derbyshire. Lord Vernon died in 1813 and the Meynell family took over the hounds, changing the name from Sudbury Hunt to Hoar Cross Hunt.
In 1872 the present kennels were built at Sudbury and it became a subscription pack called the Meynell Hunt. It wasn't until 1970 that the name changed again, when the Meynell amalgamated with the South Staffordshire.
14 Oct 2021 by Polly Portwin
MSSH Pleasure Ride
Sunday 19th September 2021
Start and finish will be at Poplars Farm, Bushton Lane, Anslow, Burton on Trent DE13 9QL by kind permission of the Ward family.
Plenty of parking available.
Approx. 8 miles across farm land in the Anslow and Tutbury area with a small amount of road work and full use of Poplars Farm excellent XC course, where all jumping is optional.
The ride will be in one group and last approx. 2 hours.
All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR CG with rider surname.
For further details contact
MSSH Pleasure Ride
Sunday 12th Sept 2021
Around the beautiful Radbourne Estate by kind permission of Lady Chichester and Tenant Farmers.
Starting at Woodhouse Farm, Dalbury Lees, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 5BS, with parking in field on side of drive.
This ride is to see the picturesque Radbourne Estate – there will be no jumping. Limited spaces. All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am The ride will last approx. 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR RM with rider surname.
For further details contact
MSSH Pleasure Ride
Sunday 5th September 2021
Start and finish will be at Cawarden Springs Farm, Blithbury Road, Rugeley, WS15 3HL (with off road parking)
by kind permission of the Parrott family.
The ride will be in one group, but those wanting a shorter route can return to boxes at the mid point. Jumping throughout, all optional. A great chance to prepare for the hunting season.
All riders to be mounted by 10.45am to move off at 11.00am The ride will last approx. 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR PS with rider surname.
For further details contact
MSSH Pleasure Ride
Saturday 24th July 2021
Approx. 6-8 miles around a mixture of farmland, bridleways, quiet country lanes with some jumping, all optional. We are very excited to cross the beautiful Bretby Estate and hope that you will enjoy the wonderful scenery.
In one or two fields there may be some optional fences so if you do not wish to jump you can just miss them out and go through the gate! The start and finish is in the Bretby area DE15 0RX (exact address to be confirmed - as we are waiting for the hay!)
The ride will start at 11am and will last 1½-2 hours.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffs Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR AD with rider surname.
For further details contact
MSSH Terrier, Lurcher and Family Dog Show this Sunday 4th July. Donations on the gate. Lots of classes and qualifiers, rosettes and trophies. All classes £2 per entry. Please bring change! Bar, catering, trade stands, raffle. Gates open 10am. Judging commences 1pm.
Any enquiries to Rebecca 07756 003214
Puppy Show 2021
What a wonderful day for our puppy show. Kennels are looking very smart, hounds showed really well, all very promising for the coming season. Thank you to the kennels team and to the Masters for arranging the superb lunch and tea and to everyone who generously gave cakes and sandwiches.
Top three dogs shown above.
Bitch puppies being judged
Collecting the best Dog hound prize
Pleasure Ride Kingstone
Sunday 13 June 2021
Meeting at Kingstone Business Park, Potts Lane, Nr Uttoxeter ST14 8QS. The ride will take us through the picturesque Blythe valley crossing the river Blythe on two occasions (both optional). The route is approx. 6 miles with hunt jumps throughout the ride, all of which are OPTIONAL.
The ride will move off at 11am and will last 1½-2 hours. COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions will apply, there will be limited spaces.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffs Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR SP with rider surname. PLEASE NOTE—Due to high demand places will be reserved in order of payment received.
For further details contact
Pleasure Ride Ticknall
Sunday 6 June 2021
Approx. 10 mile ride on tracks and quiet lanes through beautiful countryside in the Ticknall area. No jumping but some cantering across open fields. The start and finish is at The Showground, Ingleby Lane, Ticknall DE73 7JQ. Further details will be sent closer to the day to all that have booked and paid.
The ride will move off at 11am and will last 1½-2 hours. COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions will apply, there will be limited spaces.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffs Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR CB with rider surname. PLEASE NOTE—Due to high demand places will be reserved in order of payment received.
For further details contact
For full details go to
MSSH Pleasure Ride Tissington
Sunday 23 May 2021
An 8 mile ride on tracks and quiet lanes through beautiful countryside, passing through Tissington ford. No jumping but some cantering across open fields. The start and finish is at Tissington Wood Farm DE6 1RD. Parking details will be sent closer to the day to all that have booked and paid.
The ride will move off at 11am and will last 1½-2 hours. COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions will apply, there will be limited spaces.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffs Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR JG with rider surname. PLEASE NOTE—Due to high demand places will be reserved in order of payment received.
For further details contact
MSSH Pleasure Ride
Sunday 16 May 2021
Approx. 6-8 miles around a mixture of farmland, bridleways, quiet country lanes with some jumping, all optional. The start and finish is at Sapperton Park Ind Est., Sapperton Lane, Church Broughton, DE65 5AU with off road parking.
The ride will start at 11am and will last 1½-2 hours. COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions will apply, there will be limited spaces.
Pre-booking and payment via BACS essential, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR. No entries or cash on the day. To book go to
£20 non-members / £15 MSSH members.
Payment details: Meynell & South Staffs Hunt Ltd ¦ Sort Code 30-90-99 ¦ Account No 31918860 ¦ Ref PR JC with rider surname. PLEASE NOTE—Due to high demand places will be reserved in order of payment received.
For further details contact
MSSH Quiz 2020
Due to lock down 3 we have not been able to hold the usual annual quiz, which I am sure you have all missed! I am afraid that we cannot offer a social evening in a pub, but we do have a quiz that you can take part in and help to raise some funds.
If you would like the questions, please email and make a BACS payment of £10 to Meynell and South Staffs Hunt Ltd / Sort Code 30-90-99 / Account number 31918860 with the reference Quiz and your surname.
The questions will be emailed out to all who have paid from 6pm on Friday 5th February – you can pay later but you will have less time to look at the questions! There are 5 rounds to complete. Answers must be returned by 6pm on Sunday 7th February.
The winner will receive a print of the Meynell Hunt Song (unframed). Please have a go 😊
Tinsel Ride
Tinsel Ride from Eland Lodge at 11.00am, Wednesday 23rd December
Everybody is welcome – young and old - from all areas and counties, strictly following local Covid guidance.
Please come dressed for the weather, hunting attire not required but hopefully all sorts of tinsel and other decorations are very much part of the day!
Some of you might even like to plait up with the sparkly stuff
although plaiting is NOT a necessity.
We want to create that Festive Feeling!!
However Festive or Fancy your outfit is, please make sure it is safe to ride in and will withstand the mud that might be about.
Prizes for - Best Adult and Best Child.
Bring your friends and your reindeer; come along to enjoy a ride in some of our wonderful Staffordshire countryside. There may be some optional jumping.
We will have fun but will have to be Covid Compliant too with socially distancing at all times. Please have hand sanitiser and a face mask in your pocket as well.
Please leave the parking area tidy, pick up droppings/litter by your lorry/trailer.
The Eland Lodge Shop will be OPEN with takeaway food and hot drinks available too.
To book-in please use the Hunt Website Track and Trace -
Payment has to be made in advance by BACS Transfer:
£20 non Members
£15 Members/Subscribers
£10 young children on Leading Reins
Payment details:
Meynell & South Staffs Ltd
Sort Code 30-90-99
Account No – 31918860
Ref – PR9Surname
Online Auction
Looking for unique or unusual Christmas gifts? We have got more than 50 exciting promises which include:
Holidays, Food & Drink, Prints & Paintings, Photography, Equestrian, Seasonal ……& much, much more! - happy bidding!
Clear Round Photos
Photos from the Clear Round Cross Country are now available from
All entries online in advance
Full details from
MSSH September Pleasure Ride
Anyone entering our Pleasure Ride on 13th September now has the opportunity to WIN a Jeffries bridle and reins, in the colour of their choice, very kindly donated by Jan Roberts of A&J Saddlery!!
The winner will be drawn at random on Monday 14th September. Anyone already booked on the ride will also have this opportunity.
So BOOK NOW for a fantastic day out in the superb Meynell country and the chance to win this great prize!
☎️ 07557 270139
Sunday 13th September
Approx. 8 miles around scenic farmland and countryside with jumping throughout, all optional. By kind permission of the Parrott family, the ride will start and finish at Cawarden Springs Farm, Blithbury Road, Rugeley, WS15 3HL, with off road parking.
Adults: £15 Children (16 and under): £10
COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions will apply—to enable social distancing there will be maximum group sizes of 6 to be set off at 15 minute intervals.
Pre booking and payment via BACS, name and contact details required and retained for 21 days under GDPR
For further details and to book please contact Chloe Griffiths on 07557 270139 or
International Virtual Hound Show
iVHS "Our sincere apologies for the delay in opening the doors to the (iVHS) the site is now live. enjoy the hounds, support the auction and shop with the exhibitors. It is a BYO bar sadly."
visit and follow the instructions.
We have 2 hounds entered - see if you can spot them and vote for them!
We also have an auction lot to raise funds for the hunt - please take a look 👀
MSSH Jigsaws
4 designs to choose from, recycled extra-strong card, made by Ravensburger, Europe’s leading jigsaw specialist, size: 49 x 36 cm, images kindly donated by Richard Ricardo Marwood Equine
500 pieces – images A, B or C
Or 200 pieces (suitable age 8 and up) – only for image D
£25 each or 2 for £40 + p&p if ordered before 27th July. Apologies for short notice but the offer closes then. Price may increase after.
To order email 🧩 🧩
Changes for 2020-21
A huge thank you to Mike Jones who is standing down from the Mastership after 15 seasons. He has made a tremendous contribution to the Hunt not only in his longevity but by his enthusiasm and commitment to his hunting and the Hunt’s social and fundraising activities, many of which he ran. Mike is not deserting us and will continue to help out and support us.
We are very pleased to announce that Mrs Alex Clarke will join Nick Alexander, Guy Landau and Peter Southwell as a new Master .
From the Countryside Alliance:
The 2020/2021 season officially starts today and although these are extraordinary times, many hunt staff will be embarking on the next stages of their careers by moving to new packs or taking on different positions (please note that any travel involved will have been done strictly following government guidelines with animal welfare a priority). The Countryside Alliance wishes all members of hunt staff, Masters and those taking on an official role within their hunt, all the very best for the coming season. Special thanks must also go to all those who have stepped down from an official role and to those who have dedicated their lives to hunting with hounds but who have now retired or changed careers. We all look forward to following hounds again in the future - when the time is right and in line with government guidelines - but for now we are all grateful for those who continue to work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the highest standards of animal welfare are maintained in hunt kennels and stables.
MSSH Silent Auction Online Event ~ Friday 17th April
As the Hunt Ball has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic (along with the majority of events in the summer hunting calendar), to help raise much needed funds the Silent Auction that was planned for the Hunt Ball is still going ahead.
While staying in the safety of your own home why not get together with friends online – pour yourself your favourite drink and celebrate your friendship and the community spirit of the countryside. At the same time, please take a peek at the auction site (link here) - perhaps you might be tempted with a bit of retail therapy or a lifestyle treat to look forward to. Click on leader board (top right, just under funds raised) and each time a new bid is placed it will flash up on the screen. The auction is already open and bidding will close at midnight on Friday 17th April 2020.
We would like to thank all those who have given such generous promises for this auction and in anticipation, all those who will bid so generously for them. On offer are a wide range of lots, many exclusive or unique items that often cannot be bought, to suit all tastes and pockets – lots start from £10 and include: horse feed, golf, carpentry, polo, hunting days, Dubarry boots, Pilates lessons and much, much more!
We hope you and your families will remain healthy and look forward to catching up when we can all meet up again. In the meantime, with your help, we will keep “the show on the road” in preparation for next season.
MSSH Hunt Ball Silent Auction
The Hunt Ball has been cancelled due to Corvid-19. However, you can still take part in the silent auction and do your bit to help with fund raising in this difficult time. The auction closes at midnight on Friday 17th April
You can view the lots and bid online at
Ladies Day
Some great feedback for Ladies Day:
Such a fantastic day thanks so much would definitely visit again x
Thank you for a fabulous day! Great venue, country and lovely people. Can’t wait for next year already🦄
Thank you to Rachel and everyone at the Meynell for organizing such a lovely ladies day. Looking forward to seeing more pictures and hopefully will be back next year.
It was such a wonderful day yesterday watching the ladies day with the sun shining and smiles all around
Thank you for a wonderful day 😍 it was a pleasure to watch you all
A fabulous Ladies Day and breakfast and great to see so many side saddle ladies out too! 🐴
Look forward to seeing you all again!
Boxing Day - Change of Venue
Due to the continuing wet conditions our Boxing Day Meet will now be in Abbots Bromley.
Hounds will meet at 11.00am in the Centre of the Village WS15 3BS.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join us over the festive period - you will be made very welcome and we will be pleased to have your support.
A 'Stirrup Cup' will be provided by the Hunt Supporters Club. The Cap taken is for the Hunt Staff when everybody’s generosity is much appreciated.
The meet is at 11am but usually there are a large crowd of spectators so please arrive in good time.
If you’re away visiting family or friends and want to find out where you can go to see hounds and be a part of this celebration of hunting, take a look at this map with details of Boxing Day meets being held across the country which is constantly being updated with new details -…/boxing-day-hunt-meet…
Stuck for Christmas gifts and ideas - look no further!
Year Book Season 2018-19 arriving by Dec 20th. Strictly limited numbers. £25
Premium MSSH Calendars now in stock - already selling fast and will be available at the meet on Saturday. £10. See Alex Clarke for details or email
And Alex is placing a MSSH jacket order in this week - all clothing merchandise is available!
Grace from the Meynell Hunt Pony Club having her 1st ‘proper’ days’ hunting off the lead rein - aged 7 with her pony who was 26!
Hunt Ball
23 November 2019
7:30pm – 2am
Supporting Children in Need
The 1907 Suite – Uttoxeter Racecourse Uttoxeter – Staffordshire – ST14 8BD
Tickets £65
Enquiries to or call Christabel on 07817 833028
A slightly different activity today - lots of fun had on the gallops followed by bacon rolls and cakes! 🍰🧁😋
29th October 2019
Hound exercise
24th August 2019
Future Dates
Saturday 31st August – Hound exercise, 8.45am venue and parking is confirmed as Heath House Farm, Somersal Herbert DE6 5PE by kind permission of Mr & Mrs R Ede.
We have had 3 great rides so far over the summer. The final one is planned for Sunday 15th September – Pleasure ride at Cawarden Springs Farm
Sunday 13th October - Novice Hunter Trials & Team Chase
all classes will run over old turf with many natural inviting fences; significant parts of the course have a new look this year. The Schedule is on and on The Team Chasing website too
MSSH June Pleasure Ride at Ticknall
* * * Due to the recent weather conditions we have taken the decision to postpone - future date to be confirmed * * *
GOING – WATERING is still in progress, on the racing line, with the aim to deliver SAFE Jumping ground as close to GOOD as practical. The Local Course Inspector was impressed with the irrigation efforts and results when he walked the course yesterday
WEATHER – With the exception of a light shower on Wednesday night the rain and showers have by-passed Garthorpe which remains dry and breezy. Friday – dry with Temps 19-20’C in south westerly breeze. Warm on Friday night with Saturday warmer, 22-24’C and light southerly wind
WATERING – Watering commenced on Tuesday and will continue until late today (Friday). If the forecast remains for Saturday to be a hot day, then there will be some light selective watering on Saturday morning to help maintain moisture levels. Only the Racing Line is being watered.
COURSE LAYOUT –Fences moved towards to the inside by at least 12 feet to ensure fresh ground. Fence 8 – (Known as downhill fence) moved to the end of the back straight (as in previous years for this meeting) Bends all moved in too to provide maximum amount of fresh ground and racing line Course at its shortest and all fence by-passing will be to the outside.
MORE INFORMATION –For any further Going/Weather updates please contact Brian Crawford – Clerk of the Course – 07721 660162 or, failing him, call the Secretary – Charlie Moore – 07764 255500. Please be mindful about the times of your calls. We are all volunteers and have ‘day jobs’ too.
RACING IN HOT CONDITIONS –All participants are asked to help monitor their horses throughout the day and to bring ample cold water and washing off kit with them. Veterinary help and advice will be on had at all times
TIME OF REPORT/UPDATE – 6.00am – Friday 31st June
It’s nearly here again – a month to go and it’s our annual Point‐to‐Point – SATURDAY 1st JUNE at GARTHORPE near Melton Mowbray.
Of course, the sun will be shining! So, come and bring the family, a picnic and spend a day in the lovely Leicestershire countryside?
Of course, there’s the Racing but there’s more…
There’s a licensed Bar, Bookies, Bouncy Castles and some brilliant food outlets if you don’t want to do your own catering.
Our outline programme is as follows:
1.45pm 2 Pony Races
2.30pm the 1st of 7 Point to Point Jumps Races
3.45pm Hound Parade
5.55pm Final Race
Do please come, we’d love to see you there.
For more details on any of the above please see Point to Point or contact Louise:
From The Chairman and Masters
You will be pleased to know that following the Masters’ recommendation and the Committee’s approval, the Hunt has invited Guy Landau to become a Joint Master next season and to hunt our Hounds. Some of you will know Guy as he is a long-time friend of David and Elaine Barker’s and shared their interests in hunting, hounds and hound breeding. He judged at our Puppy Show in 2016.
For those less familiar with Guy:
He grew up riding ponies and horses in the Pony Club and hunting field
He rode point-to-point winners aged 16 before riding on the flat for Guy Harwood but was soon – in his own words - too heavy!
He switched to jumping becoming champion conditional and first jockey to Stan Mellor and three times champion jockey in Paris riding some 500 winners in his career.
After racing followed a 12 year stint of producing top level show horses based in Sussex.
Having hunted all his life and being a most capable horseman he always rode with the huntsman before the chance came to hunt hounds himself .
He hunted the West Somerset Vale for three seasons
After this followed a short stint at the Morpeth
He is now coming to the end of his fourth season hunting the Taunton Vale where he has made quite an impact
Commenting on his appointment Guy said:
“ I am flattered and very much looking forward to coming to the Meynell and honestly believe my family (wife Emma and two teenage children) will have a great time.”
With Guy’s help and support we are now looking to recruit and appoint a Kennel Huntsman to support him. News on this will follow before too long. In the meantime we look forward to enjoying the rest of this season with Sam Staniland who together with our hounds is going well.
Should anyone have any queries please contact Nick Alexander.
Set of 4 mugs with hound pics one side and MSSH logo the other. £30 set or £8 individual mugs. Limited supplies please contact Sally Johnson if you want to reserve a set.
Children’s Mock Hunt on Thursday 3rd January 2019
This event will not involve any MSSH hounds - older children will play the part of the hounds with a human fox. Can you find the fox and the sweets he has hidden?
There will be two groups:
· Group 1 with optional jumping
· Group 2 suitable for novices, nervous riders or horses and for young children and lead reins.
All riders to be mounted by 11.45am to move off at 12 noon. The route will be set and will last about 2 hours maximum.
· Lead rein £5
· Other children £10
· Adults £20
Please put your money in an envelope with your name and contact details written on it.
(Adults are very welcome to come on horseback or follow on bikes – if coming on horseback, please come on sensible horses). If you have hunting attire or a hacking jacket please wear it, but don’t worry if not - Pony Club dress / waterproofs are fine, especially if the weather is poor.
Prizes for smartest rider and pony and for the best-behaved pony. Hotdogs and refreshments will be available afterwards.
The parking and meet for the Mock Hunt is Wade Lane, Hill Ridware WS15 3RE by kind permission of Mr and Mrs A Froggatt.
Please book in with Rachael Morley on 07889 083194 or email
Statement from the Meynell & South Staffs Hunt
A spokesperson for the Meynell & South Staffordshire Hunt said: "While trail-hunting within the law on Tuesday 18th December, some hounds unexpectedly entered the grounds of Langley Alpacas. The hounds were removed as quickly as possible and representatives from the hunt continue to liaise with the owners of the herd. The hunt sends their sincere apologies to all concerned regarding this very unfortunate incident and are hopeful there will be no lasting damage to the alpaca herd.
"The Hunt has always enjoyed good relationships within the local community including with members of the public and our many farmers and landowners. Thankfully incidents such as this are a very rare occurrence but in the event of any concerns as a result of our hunting activities we always endeavour to deal with them as promptly as possible."
Our Year in Pictures!
From Tue 27th Nov the
MSSH Yearbook 2017-18
will be available from
Alex Clarke and Sally Johnson
Hundreds of photos from every one of our events, your hounds, your friends and probably you too! Copies can be reserved if you bring payment to a meet.
We have a book for you!
£25 each
(limited copies available)
The Year Book will make an ideal Christmas present.
To reserve your copy(ies) please contact ALEX CLARKE. On receipt of your cash, cheque or BACS transfer your copy will be reserved.
If paying by BACS in to the Hunt Account (Sort Code 60-12-01; Acc No 85558311) please use the reference YB2018
Alex Clarke can be contacted on 07970 931943 or via e-mail
David Barker's funeral
Just to let everyone know that David Barker’s funeral will be on Friday October 26th at 12.00 at Ellastone Church.
No flowers by request. Donations to the Midland Air Ambulance Charity.
Please could you share this with anyone that you think might like to know.
David Barker - former Meynell & South Staffordshire Huntsman
It is with much sadness that we have to report the death of David Barker.
David was a farmer, Olympic Show Jumper (1962 European Champion), producer of Show horses and outstanding Huntsman.
He hunted the Whaddon Chase and then the Meynell & South Staffordshire where the sport he provided was legendary.
He was a great friend and confidant to many. He will be much missed.
Our thoughts are with Elaine and his family.